About us

The "Desiré Association for Contemporary Art" was founded on February 6, 2017. This non-profit civil organization was established for an unspecified period of time and is set up on a voluntary basis to strengthen the performing arts and to focus on cultural activities. Its objectives also include:

  • Promotion and implementation of contemporary performing arts festivals,
  • Promotion of the performing arts,
  • Bringing contemporary arts closer to young people.

The association carries out its tasks by organizing theatrical performances, concerts, exhibitions, festivals, public performances, public debates, scientific and educational meetings, and by preparing and publishing professional materials. Its aim is to enable the promotion and development of contemporary arts on the territory of the Republic of Serbia.

One of the main tasks of the Association - together with the Kosztolányi Dezső Theater - is to organize and implement the Desiré Central Station Festival every year. In addition, it participates in the Desiré’s Tram program series as a co-organizer which is part of the Theater’s annual program attempting to discover and recruit young, novice and talented artists who get the opportunity to introduce themselves and become successful.


Address: Trg žrtava fašizma 5, 24000 Subotica, Phones: 024/557-471, 024/555-255


Nemzeti Összetartozás Éve - Vajdaság
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